Someone please invent a band stalker!

Earlier this week I found out that two bands I like, Stars and Snow Patrol, are coming to town. One the next day, one next month. Of course I find out after the tickets are sold out…

Unfortunately there’s no one repository for tour information. Rich at points out that Pollstar doesn’t have RSS feeds, and in this case, neither Pollstar or Eventful (the other site he mentioned) even were aware of the Snow Patrol show in time (the tickets went on sale last saturday, so now its too late).

It seems the only way I could have become aware of the Snow Patrol concert in particular would have been to a) be on their mailing list or b) visit their site constantly- (they don’t have a feed) – neither of these approaches really scales well.

Gathering enough up to date information (and not from joe q public listing an event when he gets around to it) seems to be the hardest problem, but how about a service that would accept uploaded itunes music library files and zip codes, and give me back an rss feed of events involving artists in my library, in my area, as they become known?

The downside of this is that hardcore fans who would go to the band’s site every day could get shut out as the information finds its way to the more casual fan with less friction.

7 thoughts on “Someone please invent a band stalker!”

  1. hi james. i hate that too! though it does help that in nyc we have this great weekly newsletter from the website … it is fabulous … keeps you posted about all of the bands and shows that are coming to town! speaking of bands, i am going to go see Franz Ferdinand and Death Cab for Cutie … so excited. And if you have not yet heard the bands elefant or grandaddy you should definitely check them out! they are fabulous! hope you are doing well!

  2. Well my love, do what I do. Date someone “in the business”. And yes I’m probably showing off. This monday I get to see The Honorary Title at the knitting factory and a bunch of scremo bands for the Taste of Chaos tour in dirrrty jersey (the boy loves Thursday). You know what really sucks a fat buttthole? that people will buy tickets to the shows you want and then sell them for hiked up prices in Craigslist. I hate that because it goes against the organic nature of true music lovers and appreciate-rs. Why would you try to profit on someone’s equal passion? Whatever to this twisted world we live in!!

    Wait, what were we talking about?

  3. Actually,’s not _that_ bad. You’ll be informed of the upcoming visits by Ted Leo, of montreal, Stereolab, etc. See you Aug 4th at WikiMania 2006!

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